According to the 16
.Bavarian Infection Protection Ordinance(from April 1st, 2022), the following protection and hygiene concept was developed for the courses of the service provider FrankenRacker.
1. Mouth and nose protection (FFP 2 mask) is not required with 3G Plus
Wearing a mask is mandatory for all FrankenRacker courses until the participants have taken their permanent place. If a person has to leave your seat during the course, the mouth and nose protection must be put on again. The mask must be worn snugly over the mouth and nose and changed if it becomes wet. It must not be adjusted (not even unconsciously) while it is being worn, and it must not be worn around the neck. A leaflet on wearing masks can be found at
2. Entrances and wayfinding system
Hand disinfectants are available in the entrance area. In order to avoid "group formation" in entrance areas, corridors and toilets, the participants will be asked to wait until their predecessors are in their place. In addition, arrangements are made within the group so that only one person goes to the toilet at a time.
3. Premises
From the access to the room (including the stairwell) to the seating, access to the toilets and washing facilities, the design of the premises is designed in such a way that the specified minimum distance of 1.5 meters between two people can be maintained at all times. The seating arrangement during the course may not be changed. One person is provided with 5 square meters.
4. Hand wash basin
There are sinks in the toilet area stocked with soap and paper towels. The existing cold water is sufficient, since the temperature of the water does not play a role in combating viruses. No disinfectants are provided in the course rooms because this is not necessary to comply with the hygiene regulations; moreover, disinfectant is a hazardous substance.
5. Airing
Regular airing of the course rooms, if possible shock airing/cross-airing with the window wide open, is generally recommended to improve the air quality. This must be done taking into account the possible risk of accidents. The course room is aired before and after each course.
6. Maintenance cleaning and disinfecting cleaning of surfaces
Cleaning is done daily. Tables, door handles and light switches are damp cleaned daily. The toilet facilities are disinfected and cleaned at least once a day. If two courses take place in a row in one room, the surfaces (mats, tables) will be cleaned at the beginning of the second course.
7. Follow-up of Participants
Events only take place with registration by name and documentation of the seating plan in order to enable any follow-up surveys or contact tracing. Attendance and seating arrangements are documented in an attendance list.
8. Pre-existing conditions
People with previous illnesses are asked to consult their doctor; responsibility for this lies with everyone.
9. Outdoor courses (currently canceled)
In the courses that take place outdoors, the general protective measures and the obligation to wear a face mask apply if the minimum distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained.
10. Face masks and minimum distance for children
Children under the age of 6 are exempt from the obligation to wear a face mask and the minimum distance rule.
11. Miscellaneous
Only healthy children and adults are allowed to take part in the courses.
Before each lesson, a self-test to prevent infection is carried out on a trust basis
Persons who knowingly have Covid-19 or have had contact with a person infected with Covid-19 are prohibited from participating in the courses.
Families who have been on vacation in a risk area please find out more
about the current Bavarian quarantine regulations.
Parents only approach the course management individually
12. Regulation of hotspot incidences
The course management will provide information about the currently applicable regulations
The hygiene rules remain in place and will also be discussed again in the course
About the number of incidence of the districts and urban districts can be found below be informed
Status: 04/16/2022